'talkdwell' - Conversation with an architect - 01_ 'A Glimpse into Practice' by Archt. Palinda Kannangara


Venue - James George (JG) Hall, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.


“It is important that you own your style, rather than let the style own you.”

The one who connects with simple style, and admires the relationship between nature and architecture, is modest and inspiring with his own unique architectural philosophy.

We welcome one of the guardians of Architecture in Sri Lanka to join us with,

Conversation with an architect - 01

'A glimpse into Practice' by Archt. Palinda Kannangara, Principal Architect at Palinda Kannangara Architects.

'Sharing process and methodology from a home-grown practice'

We welcome all the students from the Department of Architecture to seize this rare opportunity to learn from none other than the best.

Flyer & Caption - Media unit Archi-SS

Annual General Meeting 2022 of Students' Society of Landscape Architecture


James George Hall, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.




“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand."
~ Oprah Winfrey

The time to act together to stand a rain of challenges is yet to come. Hoping to meet you all...

9th International Conference on Cities, People, Places-ICCPP 2023



Colombo, Sri Lanka

Theme: Adaptive Urbanism: Challenges and the way forward
March 24-25th, 2023 Colombo, Sri Lanka
Organized by the Department of Architecture + Centre for Cities, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

This conference which is the 9th ICCPP conference proposes to examine the multi-faceted nature of adaptive urbanism. It calls upon the academics, researchers and practitioners of the urban realm to share their understanding of various approaches and mechanisms both currently implemented and implementable in the future in different contexts. It calls upon all to share their experiences and enrich the current knowledge of city building and urban management, based on adaptive urbanism.

For information on registration, submission requirements, deadlines, pl visit conference website; www.iccpp.lk