Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics

As chemical and process engineering professionals we should not only have to focus on the working activities but also we have the responsibility towards the society to follow certain standards when the carrying out a work. That means as professionals we are valuing the projects quantity along with its quality.

As an example the quantitative measurement standards are like being accurate, doing valid computations and following technical standards when practice in designs and construction. The other standards which consider about less quantitative facts are expressed as a code of professional ethics. Being sensitive to the environment and thinking about social safety can be considered as most valuable ethics which a Chemical and process engineer should follow. These facts are expressed as a code of professional ethics in broader manner. Professional ethics speak to matters of right and wrong that arise in engineering practice. As chemical and process engineers, we subscribe to the statement of chemical engineering ethics adopted by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

A code of professional ethics provides clear guidelines which reflect the common understanding of the professional community regarding what is or is not expected of its members. The code of ethics will also be helpful for individuals to select best course of action, when it is not so obvious. If one follows code of ethics and that person faces any conflict, the other individual engineers support can be expected. The professional code of ethics guides the profession to be within its margins. If an individual violates the professional code of ethics it will create a bad image over the other professionals also. So no matter somebody is watching or not we have to support and maintain the code of professional ethics.

In the undergraduate curriculum, we look at the applications and implications of professional ethics within the framework of the required technical subjects.